en hemvändares ord. RSS
Höstens intåg.
Första dagen i oktober... om det inte är höst, vad är det då? Jag väntar med spänning på hur jag (och resten av familjen) ska klara av höstens mörker... jag har, förutom de sista 18 månaderna, under 20 år levt ett säsongslöst liv, där det som mest gått från tropisk värme till vanlig svensk sommarvärme. Vår sista höst i San Diego var så varm att man knappt kunde vistas ute i solen i mer än några minuter. Jag kommer ihåg att jag ett par dagar innan vi lämnade södra Kalifornien, stod och spände fast barnen i bilsätena på en parkeringsplats i solen,...
A house, a home.
Let’s see. We have been stuck in our house for 10 weeks, the kids’ preschool has been closed since March 13th, all dog parks, beaches and playgrounds are closed, it’s pouring down rain and… and what could we possibly do to make things worse? Oh, I got it! Let’s sell our house and move to Sweden! That should be a challenge for the record! I have lived in the US for exactly 20 years and have been wanting to move home for at least 18 or 19 of those years. I can't remember a time when I did not want to...
Hemlängtan. Homesick.I have memories of literally crying and having a knot in my stomach every single summer that my vacation back home has ended and it has been time to go back to the US. I have this one distinct memory when I am standing in my friend's hallway, by her front door, and we have just hugged each other good bye. And I turn around, completely breaking down in tears. Fulgråter. And she goes: but... do you NOT want to go back? And in between the tears, I sigh no. I want to stay here. This is home. But the next day, my parents took me...
Hej! I am Karin, owner and designer of Love, STHLM. I figured it's about time to start blogging here too (I have had a personal blog for many years) and share some of my journey as a Swede in the States for the past twenty years. In the summer of the year 2000, I finished up a temporary job as a graphic designer at Dagens Industri, and moved to Los Angeles. The thought was to go to college for a year, or maybe a few, and then to move home. But for whatever strange, unknown reason, I am still here, although I have been extremely...
Intervju med Karin på Boneo.se
Nu kan ni läsa en intervju med mig och lite om mitt liv här i USA och mina framtidsplaner.